We’re back from our Mexico destination Wedding!

We were so blessed to have an opportunity to come back to Mexico again! Our new client Ashley’s friend Stephanie just had me as her wedding photographer recently and had lots of good things to say so Ashley contacted me to find out if I was available on her date for a Mexico destination wedding…it was fate! Trent and I had such an amazing time! The wedding took place at the Riu Playa Del Carmen and it was absolutely awesome! Ashley and Stuart are such a fun couple, so easy going and wonderful, their family and friends were so wonderful and the resort did an excellent job.

I can’t share too much, as they are planning the big reveal at the reception party they are having in a few months, but I do have a couple of images I can share, as well as some personal images that we captured on the second half of our trip. After the three days in Playa Del Carmen for the wedding, we took the ferry over to the beautiful laid back island island of Cozumel where we spent our days snorkeling in the bath tub like clear Caribbean waters, and our nights in town with the locals just chillin with some amazing food and enjoying the laid back quiet lifestyle. We don’t always post about it, but we vacation in Cozumel almost every year.

I’ve been traveling there since 2000, so I know the island very well. I love to share, so if you have any questions for me please feel free to ask! If you’re a photographer wondering about the logistics of destination weddings I’m happy to share that info as well. I’ve done hundreds of them and know many of the restrictions and guidelines in many of the resort destinations.
Beach in Cozumel near Punta Sur Eco Park.



IMG_6741Path down to beach in Punta Sur (in Cozumel, MX)


IMG_6778-copyThis is us, our “we’re hiking around the beach and jungle” look. Don’t worry we clean up nice for weddings!

We were amazed to find drum fish when we were out snorkeling one day! We went back to that spot each day, they were still there, three of them.

IMG_5420Howler monkeys-they had them all over the surrounding jungle in Playa Del Carmen at the resort. Really amazing creatures! They sound like a loud lion sometimes just as the sun is coming up, you could usually only hear it if you were outside, but we had some just outside our window one morning and it was amazing!!! This is what they sounded like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XvYjTipTNU

IMG_5918-copyAshley & Stuart, one of my favorites of them in the jungle. I can’t wait to share more of the wedding! Such an amazing setting!

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