Welcome Mason!

Last night I experienced what is possibly the most amazing event in a person’s life. I had the honor of being chosen to document the amazing birth of baby Mason. He was born at 10:49 p.m. Saturday evening. Mason’s mommy was so strong; the delivery was completely natural, with almost no interventions from any health professionals. Being an observer of the whole thing was so inspiring. Lindsey took on each contraction with the strength of a team of oxen; she stayed in control and worked with each contraction. Even when it was discovered that Mason was “sunny side up”, Mommy refused to give up or give in, she was able to push him out, even after being in transition stage for hours, and having no sleep for over 24 hours. The human soul or spirit has such an amazing potential. Click here to see the (non-graphic version) slideshow. I am so grateful for being chosen to document this incredible event!

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