Michelle Huber Photography Twin Cities Birth Photography

I would like to start by saying Lindsey is probably the strongest woman I know. I really admire her determination and perseverance. Lindsey’s birth plan was to give birth 100% naturally, and with the support of her loving husband and her doula, that is exactly what she did, and she did it BEAUTIFULLY. She is truly an inspiration with her strength, faith & commitment.
On Thursday at 3:22 a.m. I got the call. I was having a dream that I was pregnant when my phone rang, I knew it was her, so I quickly answered. Lindsey said “It’s time.” I asked how things were progressing and asked if I should leave right now, or wait a bit. She said things were progressing very quickly, so I should leave right away. She sounded very calm. I didn’t want to ruin that by getting too excited (I have that tendency) I brushed my teeth, grabbed my camera bag and went out the door. The clock in my car said 3:33 as I was backing out of my garage.
It was dark outside, but I was able to see about 10 deer in the yard around our driveway. They didn’t move, just looked at me. It felt so surreal.
I arrived at the hospital just after Lindsey had settled in to her room. The nurse had not checked her yet, she was visibly working with her contractions, utilizing the support of her doula Dawn and her husband Emil. I took a couple of photographs of the room as it was, with the natural light to reflect how dark it was.
The nurse came in to check Lindsey. She announced that Lindsey was dilated to 7 cm!!! She was ecstatic! All of her hard work at home had paid off. She had been working with the contractions, and her labor had progressed beautifully. Her baby was well on his way!
Lindsey used a relaxation technique called “Hypno Birth”. Her doula Dawn is amazing by the way, I would highly recommend her to anyone planning a family. Hypno birth may sound weird, but it really wasn’t. Click here for a link to Dawn’s website. Dawn had a CD playing that repeated phrases (in a very soothing female voice)that said things like “My body is designed to give birth, and knows exactly what to do” It was really wonderful. Having experienced natural childbirth myself, I can see how helpful this would be for a woman in labor. Having a supportive loving husband like Emil helps too!
Lindsey was amazing, she never lost control once, she stayed calm, and worked with each contraction. She even kept her sense of humor, making jokes in between. Once when she was walking in the hallway to help with the labor, right after a really intense contraction, she even posed silly for me with a leg crossed over as if to say “piece of cake!”. I’m not sure but it seemed to me like she transitioned in the hallway because things really changed after her little walk.
Once Lindsey got back into her room, the nurse checked her again, and said she was dilated to 9 cm. Lindsey was also having the urge to push. The doctor was called, scrubs were put on. Lindsey was so amazing as she worked with the contractions and her breathing. You can see in her face that there was pain during the pushing, but she never seemed to lose control and stayed relaxed. At 5:53 her water broke, and at 6:33 a.m little Wesley was born. What an honor it was to be there, and an inspirational event!
Congratulations again Lindsey & Emil!
CLICK HERE TO SEE THE RATED PG VERSION OF THE SLIDESHOW OF WESLEY’S BIRTHp.s., if you’re trying to make out the tattoo on Dawn’s arm, it says “Just breath”.:)

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  • Tara - That is so awesome! I would love to have a natural birth and to hear and see women who are able to do it is inspiring that I will be able to too (in the future)can’t wait to see the pics!ReplyCancel

  • Kacie - That’s not only my sister, but my hero and my best friend! I love you Lindz! And I hope the day when I have babies I can be as strong and determined as you!ReplyCancel

  • Michelle Huber - The greatest joy in life is seeing those you love happy! So wonderful to see the love and support!ReplyCancel

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